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Assist the driver at every stage of their journey Test ev-Move

Planning an electric vehicle trip has never been easier

Planning an electric vehicle trip has never been easier
The electric route planner includes an updated database of electric vehicle models. It optimizes duration, consumption, cost, and charging along the route. The route can be adapted for professional or private use with many available options: forced charging stop, preferred networks, driving profile, speed recommendation...

Navigation without the constraints of range and charging

Navigation becomes a connected driving companion (weather, traffic, battery level) to assist the driver.

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Find a station wherever you are

The search engine allows finding available charging points compatible with the vehicle and suited to the user through numerous filters (power, networks, payment methods, available plugs...). Compatible with various protocols (OCPI, OICP, EMIP…), the search service uses databases from several providers to offer the best functional and geographical coverage.

Test ev-Move

Charge easily

The charging service allows activating and paying for charging across Europe and soon worldwide. Activation can be done remotely (mobile app, API) or with a charging pass. Various payment and billing methods are available to meet the needs of individuals and businesses.

+33 (0)493 730 496

Marina 7 – 1545 RN7
06270 Villeneuve Loubet